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What to Expect

The Coaching Process using the MMS Worldwide Institute Method

Since becoming interested in coaching, Dr Aisha Rahman has studied different coaching techniques and compared the curriculum offered by different schools.  Dr Aisha has found the most effective form of coaching to be the MMS Coaching methodology, which sets the gold standard for ethical coaching. The syllabus at MMS is robust and focuses on coaching the client in their entirety. The mentor assessments differentiate between transactional and transformational coaching, and guide the aspiring coach on areas to develop within themselves, so that all graduates from the program meet the high standards required to practice the MMS methodology without ongoing oversight. 
In this section you can find further details about what's involved when hiring a MMS certified coach.

What is Coaching?

Partnering with the Client to Achieve their Goals

Coaching using the MMS methodology is all about focusing on the client, and supporting them to get clear on their 'wants'.  Once defined, together the client and coach will find the best way to achieve the client's goal.  The coach will not set the agenda or tell the client what they should do.  The coach will ask powerful questions to help their client become clear on the 'what' and 'how'.  Through the discussion the client will discover any hidden blocks, and how they can move towards their goal, to get from 'here' to 'there'. Throughout the process the coach will act as a metaphorical bridge, and by partnering with the client the coach will support them to get to the other side.  

The Chemistry Session

Pre-Coaching Session

The Chemistry Session is complimentary (i.e. there is no charge), and lasts up to 30 minutes.  During this time the coach will explain what coaching is and what coaching isn't, answer any questions the client may have, and explore any topics the client feels they would like to be coached on.  By the end of the Chemistry Session the client will be able to make a fully informed choice about what's involved in the coaching process, and whether they would like to proceed with booking sessions.

The Chemistry Session is also an opportunity for the coach to assess whether there is a match between client and coach, as this relationship is key to the success in achieving the client's goal.  If for any reason the coach feels they are not a match, they will discuss alternative options with the client.

Potential Coaching Topics

Hot Topics that People Hire a Coach for Support

Career progression

Dealing with difficult colleagues

Expanding one's business

Building self belief/esteem

Stress reduction

Relationships (personal/professional)

Increase productivity

Making a decision for education

Improve sleep quality 

Improve confidence

Switching off from work 

Pursuing one's ambitions/talent

Preparing self for a presentation

Preparing slides for a presentation

Doing one's homework

Facilitation of a Coaching Session

Online - Face to Face

The length of a coaching session is typically between 30 to 90 minutes.

The number of sessions, frequency and duration is set by the client, to suit their needs.  Sessions can be booked individually or in blocks.

Once booked, coaching sessions can be held online, using a video conferencing platform, or in person at a location that is convenient for both the coach and the client.  If the client permits, the coach will take notes during the session (capturing any key points and action steps), and share these with the client in an agreed timeframe after the session.

Expectations of the Client

Ready - Willing - Able - Committed

Coaching is most effective when the client is committed to the process.  This requires the client to be ready, willing and able to address an area in their life that they would like to be different.  If the client is guarded on their chosen topic, it will be a longer road to discovery, action and change towards what the client wants.

Expectations of the Coach

Integrity - Confidentiality - Powerful Questioning - Non Judgemental

Behaving ethically and with integrity is a key component for a MMS Certified Coach.  During a coaching session the client can expect the full attention from their coach.  The coach will listen to the client's goal, and ask powerful questions to help the client determine what next steps they wish to take.  Effective coaching helps clear doubt and confusion, and helps the client move forward towards their goal.

How Many Coaching Sessions are Needed?

As many as the client wants

Dependent on the topic, the client may only need one coaching session i.e. how to prepare for an upcoming presentation, or how to have a difficult conversation with a loved one - are topics that would typically require one session. 
If the client is looking to make an internal change or personally grow i.e. become more confident in social situations, then a series of coaching sessions will be beneficial, so the client can map progress with their coach.  To begin to see effective progress, a minimum of 3 sessions is recommended.  For most clients to make strides towards their goals, an optimum of 6 sessions has been observed.

How does the Client Book and Pay for Coaching Sessions?

Use the contact function to book a session, and discuss any questions around payment

Once the Chemistry Session has taken place, and it's a match for both the client and coach, will the coaching sessions be booked.  The client can discuss and then decide on the length and frequency of coaching sessions.  The coach will discuss the costs with the client and a payment option that is comfortable.  The coach will provide the cost breakdown in writing, and issue an invoice; payment for the coaching sessions will be required inline with the agreement between both parties.

If the client's circumstances change or they no longer wish to continue with the coaching sessions, they need to notify their coach in writing, at least 24 hours before the next coaching session.  The client will be reimbursed the cost of pending sessions.  The cost of attended sessions will not be refundable. 

If you have any questions , please don't hesitate to get in touch.  We look forward to hearing from you.

What to Expect: Services
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